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Engineer and Engineer’s Rep Workshops – Construction Contracts

Recently, Standards NZ published a suite of new standard form construction contracts, NZS 3910, NZS 3916 and 3917, bringing the contracts up to date with developments in the construction industry, legislation and other innovations.

Workshops on the use of NZS 3910, 3916 and 3917 and other contracts have been prepared by Andrew Brickell, CPEng, FIPENZ, of Enmore Consultancy. These workshops have been delivered to contractors, engineers and other organisations at locations throughout NZ and Asia-Pacific.


Andrew was the representative of IPENZ and the Association of Consulting Engineers NZ on the Standards NZ committee that produced 3910, 3916 and 3917. He has more than 50 years of construction project experience in 20 countries.

Workshops offered by Andrew and available as public events, which run for one or two days. Each includes short talks, discussions, group exercises for problem solving and discussions:

  • “NZS 3910: Engineer’s Representative and Contractor’s Representative” (2 adjacent days)* – the most popular, having been presented 40 times to more than 1,000 people over 10 years,

  • “NZS 3910: Engineer to the Contract” (2 adjacent days) – more advanced than the above, focussing particularly on the Engineer’s ‘fair and impartial’ decision making responsibilities,

  • “NZS 3910: 2013 briefing on what’s new in the revision” (1 day or half day versions),

  • “Design and Construct Contract Management” using NZS 3916 (1 day),

  • “Fixed Term Services Contract Management” using NZS 3917 (1 day),

  • “Contract Management of FIDIC contracts”  ** (1 day or 2 days options),

  • “Contract Management using NEC3 contracts” *** (1 day or 2 days options),

“Contract Fundamentals for Contractors” (2 days) – intended for contractors, based on 3910,

Why attend, when and how


Previous attendees include more than 4,000 staff from contractors’ organisations, principals, engineers, engineer’s representatives, solicitors, insurers, local authorities, property professionals, government departments and agencies, banks and financiers.

Attendees gain skills in selecting the right contract for a project, tailoring it to project needs, learn the vital clauses and business process, the roles and interfaces on site and after completion, how payments and other claims should be dealt with from a range of perspectives, ways of avoiding disputes and what to do if contracts go bad.


For dates of public events and how to enrol, or to host for in-house training, please contact:


  • Institute Public Works Engineering-NZ branch or tel. 021-362 638,

  • or contact Andrew Brickell for details of workshop content and target audiences, 021-331 728.

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